Projects - Subject Matter Experts
Projects come in all different shapes and sizes. For many, the word ‘project’ immediately conjures up the idea of large-scale organisation to deliver an end product or service, but actually, our day to day lives constantly involve projects, whether it’s decorating our homes, hosting social events or going on holiday, to name but a few. Essentially anything that has a structured series of tasks to meet a specified end result is a project.
Planning a project is always key and involving Subject Matter Experts early on who have prior experience in their area, helps determine the initial requirements and provides valuable input throughout the rest of the project lifecycle. Very often it’s the smaller details from these experts which can make all the difference to the project success.
This was brought home recently when a friend of mine mentioned they were heading to Iceland to see the sights and track down the Northern Lights. When I visited the same place 4 years ago I put my project management skills to good use to maximise my own chances of seeing this spectacle. Before booking my own trip I researched the best time of year to visit, the appropriate clothing to wear and (the best part) I downloaded a Northern Lights tracking app to find the optimum location each night. My planning worked and (thanks also to clear skies), I was fortunate to see the Lights not once, but twice in 3 days. Passing on my first-hand experience meant I could help increase my friend’s chance of the success and thanks to the same app they now have their own amazing memories.
In business projects, the same principles apply. Mint Blue Consulting provides the project management techniques and works closely with people who have the relevant subject matter expertise and knowledge on all projects. For example, office moves need detailed IT technology, building and people knowledge, while acquisitions require knowledge of systems, processes and of course, the people and teams involved. Harnessing the relevant expertise enhances the final implementation and helps increases the buy-in of the end result, which in turn benefits the company and it’s future growth, coming full circle.
For more information or enquiries please contact [email protected].